Channel: Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality World | 拡張現実と仮想現実の世界
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ラスベガスで開催されたCES2016で、ネクサスインタラクティブ・アーツは、クアルコム向けに拡張現実(AR)技術を使用した「見えない博物館」を提供した。 白色の各展示台には認識可能なユニークな画像マーカが貼られ、その上に白いオブジェクトを配置。一見オブジェクト認識のように見えるが、実際には画像認識AR技術が使用されている。

Invisible Museum from Nexus on Vimeo.

Nexus Interactive Arts has created the Invisible Museum for Qualcomm at CES in Las Vegas, featuring a series of exhibits that come to life using Augmented Reality (AR) technologies.

The Invisible Museum installation uses AR to reveal a digitally augmented 3D world that is symbolic of Qualcomm technology, which is often invisible to the naked eye.

When visitors enter the bespoke designed museum, 6 striking white exhibits are displayed on plinths against a completely white background; the Invisible Museum.

Each plinth comes to life when a visitor simply points a mobile device at the piece of art work, immersing visitors in a series of whimsical and colourful animated 3D worlds – a complete contrast to the white space of the real world installation.

To explore the technologies in more depth the digital augmentation includes hotspots, which reveal further information on the work Qualcomm does.

The exhibition runs through-out CES and then will be touring across the US and Europe.

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