そういえば、Facebook社のZuckは、先日開催されたMWC 2016でも、Samsung Gear VRで360度ダイナミックストリーミングに対応したと語った。「この技術は、360度全体のビデオを処理するのではなく、ある瞬間のヘッドセットの視界だけを再生することによってコンテンツのストリーミング性能を著しく高める。複数の角度から撮影された数十種類の360度ビデオのバリエーションをシームレスに切り替えることによって実現される。」。Facebook社やサムスンの本気度がうかがえる。
Audi Q7 launch: The first virtual movie theatre #imagineQ7 by DEPARTÁMENT from DEPARTAMENT on Vimeo.
The new Audi Q7 reveal took place on the 18th of June in Moscow — the first car debut in history to take place in the virtual reality.
Virtual reality is often imagined as an individual experience for one spectator only. The most unique feature of #imagineQ7 was the complex experiment with using and synchronizing 100 Samsung VR Gear cyber glasses at once, and immersing all the participants into a common virtual space.
The concept of the presentation, named #imagineQ7, began with the idea of total immersion into an alternate world of Audi design, where imagination and the technology of the future would showcase incredible possibilities to all visitors. Guests, in groups of 100, would be invited into the interactive installation zone, equipped with VR cyber glasses and led on a virtual trip to the limits of their imagination with Audi Q7.
The plot of the virtual trip included a scenic flight through space and a fast drive through a bustling metropolis behind the wheel of the new Audi Q7. The agency not only gave the visitors an unforgettable experience, but also showcased the technical superiority and features of Audi Q7. During the show, the guests had a chance to inspect the car cockpit in detail and fully comprehend the speed of the new crossover vehicle.
Each session was culminated by the emergence of a real Audi Q7 vehicle in the installation zone, as if it had materialized out of the virtual show by miracle.
Concept & Production by DEPARTÁMENT Creative Event Marketing
Design of virtual show by SILA SVETA Studio
Technical support by Interactive Lab Company